Focus On Nicole Gerber Staying AWARE of What Matters

Nicole is the co-director of AWARE CT, a volunteer run non-profit that works to make meaningful improvements in the lives of women and girls locally and worldwide. Since the quarantine, Nicole has shifted her focus away from running the organization until the social distancing ban has been lifted.  

“I am now focused on ways AWARE can support our community through this crisis. We will be highlighting individuals and organizations that are working to support local businesses, first responders and people who are at greatest risk or in need.  

I have had to develop a new set of routines for myself and my children. I am now spending the bulk of my day helping my children stay focused on their schoolwork and maintain a healthy schedule that balances academics with exercise and social time.  

I am blown away by the number of individuals and organizations that are springing into action! I truly believe that Westport will get through this crisis and will come out the other side a stronger, better, and more empathetic community.  

I am blown away by the number of individuals and organizations that are springing into action!

Like everyone else, my family is struggling to define a “new normal.” We are all very human, and reacting to social distancing in our own ways. However, we have also made a group decision to view this situation as a gift. We’re really getting to know each other, learning to listen and react with empathy, using our individual strengths to help each other out in moments of weakness, and finding humor in the stressful moments. There have been more than a few of these, but we are finding our way, and a lot of laughter.

Explore More of “Westport In Focus”

To read more of the museums long lens oral histories please visit the Westport In Focus page.

Focus On Bill Chase: Things Are the Same, But Different

Bill Chase has lived in Westport for 45 years in the same home where he and his wife Katie raised their son, Eric. Katie, who was a retired editor, archives volunteer and board member at Westport Museum (then Westport Historical Society), passed away in 2015.  At 79, Bill is now retired from his job in marketing for American Roland Foods where he worked for 41 years, commuting to New York City and traveling nationwide. With respect to the current situation he says, “The last seven or eight years I worked for Roland, I worked at home so it’s much the same. On the other hand, my life is changed because, at my age, I realize it’s not so smart to be out shopping and doing stuff I might normally do. I did go to grocery store once or twice but then decided it’s not a good idea. Several neighbors and friends have already offered to purchase groceries for me. People are being considerate and helpful, which is not too surprising.” 

Bill does miss volunteering in the archives both at Westport Museum and Greens Farms Church where he also sings in the choir. He has attended virtual church services noting, “more people seem to be coming than to in-person sermons”, he does miss the music but the church is already working on offering virtual chorale.  He wants people to know that he’s “enjoyed living in Westport 45 years, and I’m proud of what my wife has done and what my family has done socially and professionally. It’s been interesting and fun for me to come back to the place where my family started,” he said, noting that his ancestors came to the American Colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries, settling in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire before emigrating to the Midwest where he largely grew up.  

His impressions of how the community is coping with the pandemic? “Except for some foolish crowding on the beach when folks should have known better, the Westport community has responded well. There’s a lot of coverage on good things in town. I see lots of folks walking along my street. I think everyone is working hard to keep the community informed and I think that’s great.”

I think everyone is working hard to keep the community informed and I think that’s great.

Explore More of “Westport In Focus”

To read more of the museums long lens oral histories please visit the Westport In Focus page.

Focus On The Scharfstein Family: Radical Acceptance of What Is

The Scharfstein family (from left to right) Lee, Arielle, Kaya and Brooke (with Ryder the dog) live close to town, north of the Post Road. Originally from New York, they have lived in Westport for eight years. 

Mom Brooke is a Marketing Consultant and Business Coach who’s says “The kids being home all day while working from home is an adjustment. However, it’s been nice to be together and sleep in.” She feels the town leadership’s handling of the Corona Virus Crisis has been encouraging and says the community at large has been supportive.  

Our family always lives by the motto “Do Good Have Fun” and that’s what we want for everyone. This is an opportunity for humanity to come together and do things differently. Love more judge less. We are praying for everyone’s future and savoring right now with radical acceptance of what is.” 


Salmagundi was a popular dish in 17th and 18th century America, although it has its origins as far back as the 1500s. Essentially, Salmagundi is what we would call a “composed salad” today— a salad the eats like a meal. 

In addition to lettuce, Salmagundi features meat of some kind as well as various vegetables. Cheeses, fruits, nuts and edible flowers may also be included.  The dressing is always oil and vinegar based. You can use any oil and vinegar combination you like–including using the reserved fat from cooking pork bacon, if you use it in the dish. 

The recipe for salmagundi can be as long or as short as you make it—it all depends on the different components you want to add. It’s a perfect dish to use up leftover vegetables or meats. Our recipe for salmagundi is one presented at the museum during our Washington birthday dinner Ale to the Chief and other colonial-themed food events, but you may substitute any of the ingredients for those you prefer. This recipe calls for a chicken to be roasted, however you can also purchase a pre-roasted chicken. We like the ones from our friends at The Fresh Market. 

Serves 6 to 8


For the Chicken: 

  • 1 3-pound chicken, rinsed and patted dry 
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil 
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper 

For the salad: 

  • 1 pound, mini tri-color carrots, with stem end attached, or other vegetables of your choice 
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 
  • coarse salt and freshly ground pepper 
  • ½ teaspoon cumin powder 
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme 
  • 4 eggs 
  • 8 slices pork bacon or turkey bacon 
  • 2 heads butter lettuce, shredded 
  • ½ pint tri-color grape tomatoes or 1 large beefsteak tomato 
  • ¼ small red or yellow onion, sliced thinly 
  • 2 Persian cucumbers or ½ English cucumber, ends trimmed and sliced into 1/8 inch slices 
  • 4 tablespoons shaved asiago cheese or shredded cheese of your choice (optional) 
  • 2 tablespoons slivered almonds or nuts of your choice (optional) 
  • 5 or 6 nasturtium or other edible flower (optional) 

For the dressing: 

  • ¼ cup sherry vinegar or other vinegar of your choice 
  • 1/8 teaspoon coarse salt 
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 
  • 1 garlic clove minced 
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 
  • ¾ cup good quality extra virgin olive oil or bacon fat plus enough olive oil to make up to ¾ cup 


1.     Roast the chicken if making from scratch: Preheat oven to 400° F. Place chicken in a baking dish and rub all over with the olive oil. Season generously with salt and freshly ground pepper and roast the chicken for 1 hour or until the internal temperature registers 165° F when thermometer is placed into the thickest part of the thigh. You may also test if a chicken is done by  piercing the thigh with a sharp knife. If the juices run clear it is cooked through. 

2.     Remove the chicken from the oven and allow to cool for 20 minutes so the juices redistribute and you can handle comfortably. Cut chicken breast from bone and cut into bite sized pieces and set aside. Remove the legs and thighs and remove the meat from these as well. Cut into bite-sized pieces and set aside. 

3.     While the chicken is roasting, roast the carrots. Place the carrots in a large bowl and add the olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin and thyme and toss well so the carrots are fully coated. Spread on a sheet tray and add to the oven on a separate rack from the chicken. Roast for 30 to 35 minutes or until browned and fork tender. Remove from oven and set aside. 

4.     Hard boil the eggs: Place the eggs in a saucepan with enough water to cover by 2 inches. Bring to a boil then turn off the heat and cover. Allow to sit until cool. Peel when cool enough to handle and cut each egg in half lengthwise and then each half into three wedges. Set aside. 

5.     Arrange the bacon on a sheet tray and place in the oven with the chicken but on a different rack. Cook until slightly crispy—about 15 minutes for pork bacon and 10 minutes for turkey bacon. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly and crumble. Set aside. If using pork bacon, you may reserve the bacon fat for the vinaigrette if you wish. 

6.     Arrange the lettuce leaves on a large platter and add the roasted chicken on top. Slice the tomatoes in half, if using grape tomatoes, or into small wedges if using beefsteak or other tomatoes and arrange around and on top of the chicken. Repeat with the cucumber and onion slices on top of the tomato slices. 

7.     Next arrange the hard boiled eggs in a pattern on top of the salad with the roasted carrots in between and sprinkle the bacon pieces on top. Last, sprinkle on the cheese and almonds, if using. 

8.     Make the Vinaigrette: Place all the ingredients in a small, sealable jar and shake vigorously. Spoon, as desired, over Salmagundi before serving. Arrange edible flowers, if using, over top of platter. 

Little Women and Big Jerks Get Down With the Sickness: Reviews for March 23rd

The mysterious Louisa May Alcott, Yellow Fever: and poking fun at histories villains.